Almost three quarters of the Austrian population consider reforms in the economic system to be at least somewhat necessary, and around one in three even consider them very necessary. However, Austria is considered to be too slow when it comes to changes in economic issues, with 62 percent believing that reforms are being implemented very slowly or hardly at all.

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One in five employed people has already thought about changing their current job – i.e. their employer – in the last few months. For three quarters, this has not been an issue at all in recent months. Change thoughts are always the starting point for a later actual change.

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The importance of the EU remains high among the Austrian population. A little more than half of the population is now convinced that Austria's membership in the EU is at least fairly important. This is the third highest value in importance since 1996 and seems to reaffirm the 2016 trend reversal. Overall, however, the importance is slightly weaker compared to 2022.

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Of the 18 characteristics surveyed, three in particular apply to older and younger colleagues in a company to a similar extent: being a good colleague, friendliness and diligence. Younger colleagues are more likely to have a leisure orientation, a hectic and an innovative behaviour. In direct comparison, significantly more characteristics are mentioned for older colleagues than for younger ones, especially experience and role model function.

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The Austrians sleep an average of 7.2 hours per night on a weekday. This is a slight increase of six minutes per night since 2017. People sleep longer on weekends, staying in bed for 8.2 hours, although there is also an increase here. There are hardly any differences in terms of socio-demographic characteristics, gender, age or class differences.

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