Identifying user needs

Understanding how users act
We analyse the way in which websites or products are used by users in a real environment, and how the usability, i.e. the user-friendliness, is experienced in detail. We thus work with the users to attain optimal usability.

Early analysis saves costs and adds to user satisfaction
Usability tests are useful at different stages in product development: use our analyses to optimise prototypes before launch. Or use our user-insights for an optimal facelift. We always include a competitive comparison, ensuring your position among business leaders!



You benefits from UsabilityResearch

  • detailed user-insights on content, emotions, findability, information content and activation through specific usage situations
  • useful and targeted optimisation measures to increase usage of your product or your website

We are happy to advise you

IMAS International
Institut für Markt- Sozialanalysen Ges.m.b.H
Gruberstraße 2-6
A - 4020 Linz

Dipl. Bwrt. Ansgar Löhner

Dipl. Bwrt. Ansgar Löhner

Tel.: +43 / 732 / 77 22 55 - 208
Fax: +43 / 732 / 77 22 55 - 5